Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a group of essential amino acids that help build muscle and alleviate fatigue.
If you consistently eat and properly digest high quality proteins, then you’re getting your BCAAs in! Because of this, many wonder if a BCAA supplement is even worth it.
The answer is YES, they often are! Our full-profile BCAAs can create RADICAL CHANGES if you:
1) Work out early in the morning. Your body needs fuel - especially for high intensity workouts or strength training - but many people don't want to eat a meal that early in the morning. That's where BCAAs work wonders!
2) Are trying to cut sugar. Reducing sugar intake can be life-changing, but it's not easy! BCAAs are powerful when you have intense sugar cravings but want to sustain your energy in a healthy way.
3) Want to boost your focus. Leucine, one of the essential amino acids in our formula, crosses the blood-brain barrier to help improve your focus (without over-caffeinating your body with that afternoon coffee!).